April 1, 2014

Watching Videos to Quit


We are enrolling patients for a study being conducted at Royal North Shore Hospital with a new technique to help patients quit smoking. The technique has already proven to be successful. It is based on a specially personalised 8-minute video combined with well proven counseling techniques to help you quit. There is a second treatment session where you will watch the video again and receive further counseling. In the weeks following, staff from the hospital will stay in touch with you via regular phone calls (of about 10 minutes) to provide continuing support and motivation. There will also be three further face to face follow-up sessions at 3, 6 and 12 months.


You will be considered for the study if you:

• want to quit smoking
• smoke every day
• are aged over 30 years
• have a non-smoking spouse or partner who is willing to attend the study enrolment session


We all know that smoking causes lung cancer and heart disease, but you might not have considered some other benefits of quitting:

Less stress: Scientific studies show that people’s stress levels are lower after they stop smoking. Nicotine addiction makes smokers stressed from the ‘withdrawal’ between cigarettes. The pleasant feeling of satisfying that craving is only temporary and is not a real cure for stress.

More energy: Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which binds to haemoglobin in the blood, reducing the amount of haemoglobin available to transport oxygen around the body. This means that ex-smokers have more energy, fewer headaches, can concentrate better and have increased mental wellbeing.

Improved immunity: Quitting also boosts your immune system, making it easier to fight off colds and flu.

If you are looking for personalised information and support about quitting or about this latest study, please come into the pharmacy or give us a call.


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